Dutch from zero to fluent

Our motto:

"Don't learn to speak, but speak to learn"

LetsDutch provides Dutch courses and Inburgering courses for everybody. Flexibility, tempo and effectiveness are the three pillars of our method.

Aftelling afgelopen!
Free Trial
  • Regular Dutch

    From A1 to B2. Classes are online available from 9.00 to 22:00. 7 days a week.

    Each level has a duration of 30 hours.

    • 2 days a week
    • 2 hours a lesson
    • 7,5 weeks
    • Groups max of 7

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  • Dutch fo students

    From A1 to B2. Classes are online available from 9.00 to 22:00. 7 days a week.

    Each level has a duration of 18 hours.

    • 12 lessons
    • 1,5 hours a day
    • 12 weeks
    •  Groups max of 12

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  • Inburgering

    Wil jij binnenkort jouw inburgeringsdiploma halen? Dat kan via Let's Dutch. 

    Wij organiseren inburgeringsklassen ter voorbereiding van het inburgeringsexamen van A1 tot B2 niveau. 

    Klink verder voor meer informatie.

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  • Individual

    From A1 to B2. Classes are online available from 9.00 to 22:00. 7 days a week. Each level has a duration of 12 hours.

    • 12 lessons
    • 1 hour a lesson
    • 12 weeks
    • Individual

    Meer info

Why Let's Dutch?


Next to our Dutch courses we also have a cooperation with Olia intermediair. Taking your language level in attention, we can coach you to work in The Netherlands.

Our method

We believe that the best wat to learn a new language is to talk. To use what is learned directly in practise. That's why we implement a lot of exercises where students are motivated to talk in Dutch.


We provide lessons 7 days a week.

From Monday to Friday between 09.00 ~ 22.00.

Saturdays and Sundays between 09.00 ~ 12:00.


We take your personal goals regarding the Dutch language seriously and adjust the our focus individually during the lessons.

Studentenprojecten en getuigenissen

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